I emailed my friends and told them that he had stolen their stuff. They emailed him and asked him to remove the stuff. Now it's been over a year and a half now, but I think Steve's reply was something like, I can do whatever you want and you can't stop me. Soooooooooooooooooooooo.
I decided to attempt my first stunt at using my web page for power. I made a page about how Steve Ripped everyone off. I then created a huge page with all the legal rules about copyrights and such. I then ran a campaign to have everyone remove their links to his page. I emailed every page I could find, there might have been 20 of them or so. I told them of the situation, gave them evidence to support it and then asked them to remove all links to his page. A lot of them did.
I asked all the War 2 pages to support my non war 2 page rip off league or whatever. A few pages signed up but I really didn't get too many. I wasn't really the number 1 page at the time. But I was close to it. Anyway, I had Steve Borosh up there as the page rip off guy. I gave a link to his page and the evidence against him. It was undenyable that he ripped everyone off.
For some unknown reason, possibly because of my page, who knows, he removed all the stolen stuff. SO I informed everyone that he removed the stuff, and I took the page down.
His strategy guide was like the computer guide strats. Send in peons to bait the enemy into attacking them while you hit the enemy with towers and catapults. Attack with subs, and destroyers and towers on the sea. It was the opposite of everything you should do. That's what made it so funny. Steve Borosh the Defense king. He had pictures of all these billion towers, with archers protecting them. He said to use footmen because Knights cost too much to waste. Hahahahah. Oh man it was a riot.
I started picking random quotes from his Strat guide and putting them as my signature on my mail. "Ogres are only good for runes." hahaha.
I then made a backup copy of all Steve's pages. I put on my page, feel free to remove the page Steve, cuz I got me a backup copy hahahhahaha. His great work of art will forever remain available for public ridicule.
But then Steve finally got on Kali, 6 or so months later. Here is the Story that was on my page about that.
Last Updated 5/5/96
Well this was the match up you guys were waiting for. For about a month, I had Steve Borosh's strategy guide up. If you read it, you knew how crappy it was.
Steve Borosh finally got on Kali. He challenged me to a match. I said ok on Spiral, Medium resources. If I lost, I had to take down my pages making fun of him. If I won, he had to make some page saying how great I am. I told him he didn't have to do that if I won. I also said if he stayed till the end, as in didn't wuss out, I would ditch my copy of his strategy page.
This match was to determine who knew what they were talking about me or Steve the defense king.
Well Steve showed up on Kchat at the time we agreed on. He was playing under the name DEFIANT. Caps lock, that should tell you the outcome of this story :). I then looked at his reg number. 12933! I think he got Kali a few days ago :) Well we cut the crap and went straight to war2.
The map was Spiral, Medium Resources. I was in Red's spot and Steve was in Orange. I started off. I wasn't too worried. How good could he be?
After getting about 8 or so peons, I threw up my Shipyard. I got a tanker building my oil rig in the middle and built another tanker. I then put up my foundry. My foundry was about 1/2 done when it started to get hit by a destroyer! A destroyer! Well I knew I had the game won. My foundry was completed a little while later. My peon popped out and his destroyer killed him. I went to build my first Jugg when I noticed I didn't have enough lumber. DOH. So I got some more lumber and trained my Jugg. The Jugg popped out and by that time Steve had 2 Destroyers on my Foundry. I casually went down and sank the first Destroyer. The connection was really nice so Steve was able to move around with his 2nd Destroyer. But I sank it too. After all that time, those destroyers had taken only 200 hit hit points off my foundry. It was barely on fire. Does that tell you how much Destroyers suck?
I headed across to the other side of the stream and found Steve's shipyard. It was in the middle of the left side of the island! Not near any oil at all. I went down to the oil spot excepted to see an Oil rig and some tankers but that was too much to expect. I had another Jugg and I went to the oil spot on the other side. No oil rig either! I typed to Steve. "Don't you think you need some oil?" Here is his exact reply: "?????." hahaha. Well on my return trip with my Jugg from the right side of his island, I noticed he was building a hall by the inner mine. What was he thinking? That I wouldn't see it and maybe I wouldn't attack it with my Juggs? No such luck :) During that time, my Juggs on the left finished off Steve's shipyard.
He got finally got the hall completed and I sorta killed his peon that
made it :)
Steve then proceeded to build a tower by the sea. hahahahahaha. One shot
and it went down. He tried the catapult but since the response was so
nice, he didn't have a chance in hell of hitting my jugg.
Since I didn't have to worry about Steve getting on the Sea ever, I decided to introduce him to the Sapper Strategy. I put up 4 Taco bells. In the meantime, I put up another shipyard and started whipping out the Juggs. I started them on destroying his mine. :) Standard Spiral Strategy.
I got a boatload of Sappers and went in on Steve. He placed all his
buildings in the perfect place. Two farms per Sapper :) I ran in and
took out some farms and Ogres. In this Picture was Steve's reaction.
I kept whipping out the Sappers. The next trip, I took both of his barracks with 2 sappers. I then sent in four and took his Stronghold :) He was like "Shit!" hahaha. So that was all it took to take Steve on Spiral. I'm not sure If I even made an Ogre mound.
Here is a shot of his island (white), after my first sapper attack. He
was short some farms and guys after that. As you can see he has 2 farms
side by side up top. Below that are 2 barracks side by side and the big
Square is his Stronghold. You can also see he has a mine up top.
Well this is what his town looked like before he quit. You will notice
he is short a mine, those two barracks, farms and Stronghold :)
Steve got one kill for that game. The peon he hit with his Destroyer :)
Steve was asking to be my partner after this. I was like no way. I'm not getting stuck with anyone building Destroyers and Towers by the Sea :) I decided to be nice and said: maybe later. Steve then informed me that I had found his weakness, Water! hahahahhaha. So I said we can go land after this. I wanted Mine the Center so I wouldn't have to look too hard. Steve wanted Garden of War, typical newbie. :) So I agreed. He quit to chatroom. I was like NOOOOO. He quit to chatroom before I got a picture of the stats. So I told him on Kali we always surrender because people like to see the stats.
So we went on Garden of War on low resources. I was purple for the millionth time. So I walked up to the mine left of middle. I threw up my hall.
In the meantime, Steve(Defiant) told me how long he has been playing
war 2. as seen in this picture. hahah. Well actually he was telling me
how long he was on Kali, same thing.
Well I got two barracks up and sent out the Grunts looking for his town. I check all the spots and with my luck, the last one was him. He was in yellow. I ran in his town. He had 3 grunts and I had 3. I think I was level 2 by that time and he was level 1 of course :) I ran past his guys and tried to kill some peons. I'm not sure how many I killed, probably none. I didn't even watch my grunts so he easily killed them.
Steve was like "Grunt Rush huh". His words were something like that. I said no "Grunt Rush means Barracks first", and who would go barracks first on Low?
So I sent up all my grunts to his town. By that time, I was sending up the level 3 Ogres. I also sent a peon up to build a barracks outside his town. I began sending in my Ogres. Level 4 or so by that time. He was up to Stronghold and was just building his Blacksmith! So I started beating on it. He kept attacking with peons and a few level 1 Grunts.
As you can see I met with fierce resistance :)
I started building towers outside his town but before I could upgrade them, he surrendered.
As you can see he got a few more kills this time. look at the Gold!
Since Steve showed up, wasn't an ass or crybaby and was pretty nice through the whole thing, I decided to ditch my copies of his strategy guide if you can call it that :)
Longsword then wanted a shot at Steve. He thrashed him too. I think a few more people did too after that. Haha. It was beat up on Defense man, you should have been there :)
Hacker caught! It seems last weekend, someone tried to hack onto the andrews server and get into my account. The System Operaters, who are very experienced at combating such things NAILED the guy. It seems they also received some info that someone put "a hit" out on my account. What that means is someone wants my account hacked. What they are offering to people for doing such a thing I don't know. Maybe money. Maybe they made up some lame story about some pretend foul deeds I did. Anyway, this guy was caught and 3 seperate people are prosecuting him, two major companys/institutions and my school. That fool is in a LOT of trouble. Do I hear Jail? Muhahahahahhahahah. Mess with Shlong's Sysop, get BURNED.
One day in late March, early april, this guy named necrolyte comes on kchat. He tells me that he is really Steve Borosh. Not only that but he tells me that HE is the one that hacked my system and got caught.
Early in 97, or late 96, Steve came onto our server in kchat. He started talking about something. We all started ragging on him so bad. Everyone in kchat was dogging on him. SO he starts yelling about how he's going to hack my web server. I remembered the War 2 strategy page. Is this the type of guy who could hack a web server? I doubt it. So I said BRING IT ON FOOL! I'l be waiting. hahaha.
So I guess he got his wannabe hacker buddies to try to hack our server and he got caught. Here is my kchat conversation with Steve about that.
[necrolyte] had to change my name becasue i'm outta the hacking business
[necrolyte] got caught
[necrolyte] vowed to hack your website
[necrolyte] but i got caught
[necrolyte] me and my entire group
[necrolyte] admin at andrews univ, iusb university, washington
[necrolyte] netdevil got busted in main
[necrolyte] yea
[necrolyte] it sucked
To: necrolyte-> so what did they do to you?
[necrolyte] i had to give up all info on all of our members, passwd
lists, etc
[necrolyte] my school wont let me on the internet anywhere in the
necrolyte] i cant write their website anymore
[necrolyte] but the admin at andrews said i should take classes there
this summer and i am going to
To: necrolyte-> why would he say that?
To: necrolyte-> he was pissed
[necrolyte] well he was suprised when i showed up to appologize
[necrolyte] maybe we'll meet this summer
[necrolyte] i was lookin in the computer labs to see you but i dont know
what you look like
To: necrolyte-> i don't go in the computer labs whats the point
To: necrolyte-> that's where the poor poeple hang out
[necrolyte] but he had all of the logs of our chatting on irc when we
attacked the server
To: necrolyte-> where would he get that?
[necrolyte] the people in main were logging everything netdevil did
[necrolyte] and they sent it to him
[necrolyte] the cia came and told the police how to handle netdevil
[necrolyte] i'm going to take network classes there this summer but its
like a 45-50 minute drive
To: necrolyte-> hahah i bet we will be in the same class hahah
[necrolyte] are you a senior there or what?
To: necrolyte-> yeah
[necrolyte] that would be funny
[necrolyte] he said its a senior level class
[necrolyte] so im doing a lot of c programming getting ready
To: necrolyte-> theres 2 classes, like intro to internet it sounds like
To: necrolyte-> and networking crap, something to do with cables and
[necrolyte] no this one is one where you install unix and do lots of
other stuff
To: necrolyte-> yeah thats probably the one
[necrolyte] i forget the details
[necrolyte] i had your encrypted passwd
[necrolyte] but i couldnt crack it
To: necrolyte-> well say you did get it
To: necrolyte-> there wasn't anything on that account at all
To: necrolyte-> other then mail
[necrolyte] then where was your website
To: necrolyte-> that's what made it so funny
To: necrolyte-> somewhere else
necrolyte] that would have sucked even more if we would have cracked
that account
[necrolyte] then found no website
[necrolyte] then go caught
To: necrolyte-> well why couldn't you crack the password?
[necrolyte] i tried every dictionary file there is even random, and a
file that makes every possible 5-6 digit word
[necrolyte] but it took up 1.6 gigs so i just gave up
necrolyte] and we tried to get root
To: necrolyte-> you just don't know the right program
To: necrolyte-> bidwell cracked it
[necrolyte] probably wouldnt have worked anyway cause it looked like an
old passwd file
To: necrolyte-> the problem is the program required to crack it takes a
professional server 4 weeks to run :)
[necrolyte] yea it uses every combination possible and my hd would hold
it all
[necrolyte] took up 1.6 gigs
[necrolyte] and it wasent even done
[necrolyte] now i have no website no email...this is my dads account he
let me on tonight
[necrolyte] well see ya l8r....in class hehe
So after all this we are going to be in the same class? I can't believe that. Our sysop. What's he thinking? Hack our web site, then come to our school? Do you invite people that rob you to come live with you?
Gee I can't wait. haha.
So far Class has begun and I haven't seen him.