Whose the Human Master? (The longest War 2 game in history)

Shlonglor's War 2 Stories

Last updated 2/25/97

It was around November I found that War 2 so damn annoying and predictable I couldn't play it anymore. I put up the Shlonglor, quit War 2 thing and I meant it.

Around early December, Gotcha and Warp started playing War2 again. They really hadn't played much since last May. Well I had to join in and it was lots of fun. Gotcha and Warp took off for Christmas vacation and I was stuck at school again with nothing to do. So I started playing War 2 again. But this time I started playing humans. Before that time, I had only played Humans on Nowhere to run. I probably had maybe 20 human games total for a year.

LrdSchroeder and and I started playing together. We went out smurfing as human players. We pretty much played HSC on HIGH every game. We mastered the High resources, sub rush. It was awesome. We even beat a few really good players with our sub rush. Even good players underestimate the power of subs. Well those games convinced me that Subs don't suck as bad as I thought. They still suck, but they do have their place. Lrd and I played some major war2. We played like 5-6 games a night. It was great.

The whole time we were waiting for Diablo to come out. They kept promising but it never came. The climax of that War 2 period came the week before War2 came out. We were on some server with Jff, \Clear\, Lrdschroeder, Korn, and Silver. I looked the people there and decided on what teams I wanted. Oldies vs Newbies.hahahahah. I told those guys the teams. They weren't too pleased with my definition of their side. Korn tried to argue that he wasn't a newbie just because he has a low reg. But Korn is the only one where reg number doesn't mean he's not a newbie :)

We picked the map, 3on3 HSC on low. Clear got black, I got white, Jff got stuck with blue, DOH NO LUMBER. Lrd got top right, Korn below him, and Silver below him.

Well I forgot the lumber cheat. DOH. I was hours behind everyone else. We thought up our options. I was way the heck too far behind to go serious jugs. Jff didn't have enough lumber for Juggs. But I decided to go Juggs anyway.

We got going, I got a yard up, like way the heck after my teammates did. That's when I hear Jff needs help. Silver has invaded him with footmen and some peons and were building towers in his town. He was screwed. Clear and I came to the rescue. I sent about 4-5 footmen, Clear sent some and started building towers in Jff's town to protect him. Just then......

Someone drops. This was 2 months ago, so it's hard to remember it all, but I think it was Lrd who dropped. We waited in the chatroom, and got the game rolling.

It was an old save so we got a chance to redo some things. This time around it went the same, Silver invaded Jff, but instead of saving Jff, I invaded Silver. He was aqua, so I went up to his wood peons and killed them ALL. hahaha. He had a walled in tower by his mine. I knew he would just mass some Grunts until he had enough, so I suicided my grunts into his grunts and tower. Maybe I should have loaded up and headed to the next guy but it didn't really matter.

I started pumping Juggs. I sent some down to Jff. I then knew Silverwolf would be behind so I went up and started attacking him. I was doing great. I got his walled in tower (key point in the game) because he built it too near the sea. DUMBASS hahahahaha. In came some Juggs that belonged to Kor/Lrd. It was a fair fight but something went terribly wrong. I lost all my Juggs and didn't do any damage to him. It was not long until all the Juggs came over to me and got my yard. I had 2 transports. I had them safely hidden. I was up to Keep and had Knights. I sent about 4-5 Knights and 1 or so footmen in a transport and invaded Siler. I went and and screwed him over. It was awesome. Without that Walled in tower, he couldn't do a thing.

I began taking out his peons, and barracks. I sent that transport home and by the time it reached my shores, I loaded up another 6 Knights in it. haha. I sent that load over to Silver's too. Muahahahha. I hid the transports.

By this time, they had total control of the sea (well besides my transports) and a HELL of a lot of Juggs. Korn and Lrd both had 6+. Well I quickly got up to Castle. Clear had covered Jff's entire town in towers to protect him. What a nice guy. Almost makes me want to cry :) Clear had also taken control of the Yellow free mine. Red was also free but no one had yet taken control of it. I had 2 sapper buildings training. My plan was to sapper down to yellow and build a hall next to clear who had already secured the place. I Had mages with Blizzard, Invis and the whole lot.

Korn came into silver and tried to save him, but I beat off his invasion quite easily. I took down Silver's keep and his barracks and just about all his good stuff. He was dead. Korn came in again, but yet again, beat off that invasion.

I did a flyby and we found that Silverwolf had built a mill by the trees on red and had a guard tower. He had a few peons chopping wood. I loaded up 2 transports with Knights, 12 Knights, I had invibility on the transports and I went right through the enemy fleet hahahahaha. I was just about to land on Red and take silver off. I had 1 more sapper ready to sapper into Yellow so I could build by Clear. I had 0 gold. When....................

Lrd Drops! CRAP!

He was gone. He wasn't even on Kali. We waited and waited. No luck. We had to call it quits. MAN. I knew they thought we had no chance. I told Clear and Jff what I had and I knew they were in for a major ass kicking. But we couldn't finishit.

Luckliy I had a save and I heald on to the belief that we could play the save. But Korn and Clear are like NEVER on at the same time. Jff, Silver, and Lrd are always on, but not him. The next night, we tried again but Korn couldn't be found. No Korn. Crap. I had emailed everyone and had hoped we could get together. no luck.

Never in my life have I wanted to finish a game so bad.

The next night, through some kind of miracle, everyone showed up. We started the game off. I invaded with the 2 loads of Knights and dusted Silver. Korn invaded Silver's place for either the 2nd or I'm pretty sure, the 3rd time. He had more guys but through very very very bad control on his part, amost all my guys made it. I sappered into Yellow and went down to build my hall. Just then Drop. I forgot who. DOH!

We head back to Kchat and Jff's pissed. I didn't have any idea why. As it turns out, Jff had never made it in the game when we reloaded that first time. I thought he was aweful quiet ;) haha.

We start again, this time no drops. Same things happen, this time Korn invades and I go down tho. It was the 3rd time we fought the same battle with the same guys due to reloads. First time I won with 1 guy surviving. 2nd time I won with like most of my guys surviving. And the 3rd time he won. DOH. That meant silver was still alive unlike previous lifetime :) Well I sappered into yellow AGAIN. Clear cleared a spot for me to build my hall. (Is that why they call him clear) We started mining like the dickin's. I started pumping lots of Knights and Mages. I had to long distance mine to get enough gold for a 2nd hall but I finally got it.

See sharing can be fun.

After a while, I started a shipyard at Yellow. They saw it and came in with the Juggs. I blizzard the ships on it haha. They don't know how to prevent sea. What you do is back off to the oil spot out of blizzard range and wait for them to try to get oil. You DON'T go right up to the shipyard and attack. Dumbasses ;)

Down Go Korn's Juggs.

I then started my attacks on Lrd. I noticed that he had a LOT of mages. I got my guys in an invisible transport and went in. I blizzard his mages. The next time around, I got some more. More and more trips, I was able to get rid of most if not all of his mages. It was the most awesome crap you ever saw. I had invisible mages in his town, doing all kinds of tricks. I was unstoppable!

With both of us mining the same mine, our mine quickly gave out. Lr and the res still had control of the sea. I was able to blizzard a bunch of ships but I couldn't seem to build anything at Yellow. They would keep getting my yard.

Well Clear and I were on red. I decided I was going to be the one brave enough to mine with my hall right on the sea. I hopped a few peons over to red using the foundry hop. I put up my hall.

After that was some serious playing. They would send in Juggs, I would use catapults, Mages and everything to prevent it. Korn invaded Jff and kept sending Mages over to screw us over. We couldn't do a thing to stop them from invading. I did get to slow a transport. We fought off invasion after invasion clear and I. The coolest invasion we fought off is when one of them invaded (Silver I think) and Clear put a flame shield on the middle of the knights killing ALL of them hahah. We were able to keep red barely. I had all my peons on gold killed there quite a few times however :)

I came up with a good idea tha game. I built a shipyard bottom left of HSC. I built a transport and used it to ferry guys accross the stream to Red. It was awesome. I got maybe 11 boat loads full of guys in that little transport traveling all the way from white to red off the sea :) Brilliant. Who needs to own the sea when you can do taht :)

My Off the Sea Yard

During this time. Clear did the same thing independantly of me top of the map. Brilliant minds think alike I guess :) He transported a bunch of stuff over to Lrd's town and next thing I knew, Lrd didn't even have a town. I go to clear: "what happend to Lrd?" He then explained what he did. Well they still had a lot of ships. But I rebuilt my Shipyard, 2 of them just below Clear's Island. My oil quickly ran out, so I built a rig at one of those spots in the middle of nowhere and started the long distance oiling. I got about 7-8 Juggs. I think they were level 4-5. I had an oil refinery. haha.

I sent my Armada out and DUSTED Lrd and Korns ships. haha. They go, crpa where did you get all those? If the would have been watching, I wouldn't have got on the sea and really, I woulda been kinda screwed. I'm sure eventually I would have had to do something. I probably would have gone Gryphons on them.

With no sea control, with dead Lrd, and almost dead Silver (he had rebuilt his hall on his island like 1000 miles away from the mine) all they had left was korn. With control of the sea, it was only a few minutes before Clear and I got them. Where was Jff you ask? Wasn't he in this game? Jff! We had forgotten all about him. What the hell was he doing all this time? I look at the messages and allies menu and he is still on the list but the color is wrong. His guys were one color and there was another color on the list. I talk to Clear and he says Jff didn't make it I guess. DOH. The whole time I thought he was over there in his merry little tower city playing sim city. hahaha.

Check out those stats. WHOSE THE MAN? 200k gold! 47k lumber! 120 Kills. more oil then even them.

We headed to kchat and I appologized to Jff. I told him I thought he was in the game the whole time. But that's ok because we didn't need him. Clear and Shlong took them 2on3. Screw you!!! :)

Clear was awesome. What a great partner. What was really funny about hat game is that it was the first game ever that everyone went all humans. We had 6 human players on one game no orcs. It was kinda strange :)

And that was my first good team game with humans.

And so the longest game in history was finishied. It went 3 days. :)

The map Before and After.

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