2 Old IWL stories.

Shlonglor's War 2 Stories

Last updated 2/25/97

I dug up the following stories in an unlooked at old directory. IWL: The LOST YEARS
Marshall and Azure vs Krieg and WarpMaster 5 Mar 96
Well, Krieg and Warp decided they wanted to challenge us to an IWL match. Naturally, Azure and I picked plains of snow. Hey, we like the map :). Anyway, I'm Orange, Azure is Yellow, Warp is Purple(I think, I might have the colors switched), and Krieg was Green. I was a little worried, since both of them wouldn't have much trouble ganging up on me, while Azure would have to navigate his troops around the center mines. Well, I quickly starting building up troops and upgrading them, and had about 5 footmen when I was attacked by Purple. The numbers were about equal, but his were in a ragged line so mine could gang up. Seeing victory at that battle, I told Azure to go hit purple while I kept his troops busy.

Just then I kill off the purple troops and a bunch of green footmen run in. Well, I still had most of my troops left, and was producing more, so I killed these too. Then Azure reports that he is slaying most of purple's peons, but I hear him say "Green". So I run up to purple (since I figure we might as well hit both of them) and run in to meet Azure. "WOW, I thought, he not only killed Green's peons but he also is killing purple's. Well, we finish off purple's peons but soon lose our footmen there to the remaining troops.

While this is going on, however, I'm upgrading to a keep and starting a 2nd town hall at Black, while Azure expands north to White. I send out some footmen to watch the other gold mines at Blue and Red to make sure they don't expand. I build some knights and 3 more barracks, bringing me to 4 total. I go over to hit green, figuring I might as well finish him off and discover that he hasn't really been hit much at all (Azure explains to me later that I misunderstood, he never hit green). Boy was I surprised to see all those troops.

Well, I did outnumber him, so I kept him busy for a while while keeping 4 barracks running at full. Soon, I prepare to attack purple, who does have a lot of towers, but hasn't expanded. Before I go, I notice tha green has tried to expand to Blue, so I send down a couple of knights and stop that. I lose a lot of knights attacking purple's towers, even though Azure is telling me to just pull back and wait for his demo teams. I probably should have, but I was getting cocky, since I didn't see any expansion on their part.

Well, I did lose a lot of knights, but I also killed all of his peons off afterwards, so it was costly, but we had some money to burn. I sent another group of knights to watch green and notice this entire peon baggage train booking for the center. I assign 1 knight to each peon as quickly as possible and watch them kill all of the peasants. At this point Krieg says "I think it's over, they have about a million knights". The battle continues for a while, as Azure and I race to destroy the last remaining farms. My demo team beats his to one last farm and after taking out a last few grunts the game ends.


Marshall and Azure vs. Chrism and Shlonglor (2 March 1996)

Shlonglor and Chrism challenged us to an iwl match. We said "EIT!" (well, not exactly).

We picked (guess what?) plains of snow, high resources, town hall first. Anyway, I build about 9 level 4 footmen and notice that I'm not being attacked. Neither is Azure, so I build a keep, and use my peasant at my 2nd gold mine to build a stable, first structure at that mine. Azure expands about this time south of himself. (Azure = oragne, I=yellow, chrism=red, shlong = green) Azure goes for flying machines to check the othermines out, tho I've ot footmen at the other 2 to watch. No sign of expansion on their parts. I start building knights, and start a town hall at my 2nd mine (white). Still no signs of expansion. My 11 knights are starting to get antsy, but we figure, why move if we have more money? I stash a couple of barracks at purple, and then we notice red moving to blue. We immdeiately move to attack, although he holds us off for a while.

Shlonglor's bloodlusted ogres present aproblem, but shlonglor hasn't expanded, so we figure he will run out of money soon. We finally kick red out of blue's mine, while gren attacks my camp at purple, which has only 2 barracks. His ogres soon slaughter my knights, but by now, our overwhelming money is starting to show, and we manage to kill all of green's troops. Red has a few left, but those are minor. Green's last offensive is to my mine at white, which has run dry at this time. I forget to pay attention to my gold, and can't build a town hall at purple, so I start sending peons between white and purple, but before I get the money, they surrender. YAHOO! :)

We each get 2 points for beating them. We have to rematch them soon, however, and will probably lose those points back, but oh well. It was fun getting them.


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