Shlonglor's War 2 Stories
A massive POS game.

Last Updated 8/3/96

This story happened a long time ago back in May. I can remember most of the details but I'm sure I'll forget something. It was a little while after the patch came out which allowed us to play 8 player games for the first time. I wanted to play my first 8 player POS game. We were all in kchat and we rounded up some teams.

Game 1.

Since I lost this game and because the rematch game was so much better, I can't remember much about this game. if someone that was in it wants to tell their side, feel free to send it in.

The teams were Me, Vermeer, Gotcha, and Nate vs Zero, Demonlord, Ayyo, and Madcat1. The map was POS. I was bottom right. That's the only position I remember. Anyway, we didn't seem to have much of a clue that game. We never teammed up at all. We managed to get some Cats and break into Zero's wallin at Aqua. We pretty much took Zero out of the game. For some reason, I didn't ever upgrade to Stronghold. So when the Ogres came out, I didn't have any. Well we fought some and our mines ran out. We really didn't have any plan to get second mines either. I set up a mill on the right side of the middle and a couple of my teammates got one up top. But Zero's peons spotted my mill and he ratted me out. He also began to put walls all around my mill. I made a huge number of Grunts. I was ready to attack when I met up with a bunch from Demonlord. It was a big mess.

I believe the enemy had taken out Nate. The set up at his mine. I maybe wrong but I think that's what happened. We found out Madcat1 had chopped into the middle and set up towers. I headed down to get him. My invasion was repulsed. I think if my whole team would have attacked at the same time, we could have taken the mining operation. But we had about no communication going. We were all talking, but no one really did anything about it.

Well we ran out of gold. And it turns out, the enemy all got 2nd mines while none of us did. So to make a long story short, they kicked our asses :)

Game 2.

Well our side was ready to go again. Everyone came and went and we ended up with different teams. This time it was Me, Vermeer, Gotcha, and Maddawg vs Megatron, TawianJK, Ayyo, and Nate. The map was POS on low again. Mega was in Yellow, I was above him in White, Gotcha above me in Black, Vermeer top left in Orange. I'm not sure about the other Positions, Maddawg was Blue, I think JK was Red, I'm not sure where Nate and Ayyo were.

We started talking about plans. We knew for sure Maddawg was going down. He was on the enemyside of the map and sandwhiched too. We started off. I walled in. It was just about after my barracks was done that Megatron comes in with 1 grunt. MAN. This was the earliest I've ever seen anyone attack. He started beating on me. I made my Grunt. I called for help from Gotcha. He sent down some grunts. We were able to drive Mega off. I wasn't damaged much because I had walled my peons in. No one attacked me much after that. I made a few grunts and upgraded to Stronghold. I wasn't going to be stuck with Grunts like last time. I made a second barracks.

During this time, I believe the enemy was beating on Maddawg. So I heard, Maddawg was walled in with some Towers or something and ended up killing a lot of the enemy grunts and still survived.

Well after this it was quiet. I made about 9 Ogres. Everyone else on my team started pumping out the guys too.. Then we made our move for the center. We went for the left side of the center since that is where most of us were. Vermeer told me to go build towers. I sent a peon over and began making guard towers. I walled them in. Vermeer set up his hall. Gotcha and Maddawg set up their halls and mills above me and Vermeer. (refer to the picture of the middle).

Vermeer or someone gave the order and we moved all our troops to the middle to protect it. I guess the enemy figured out what we were doing and set up their mining operation below my hall and on the right side of the middle. Well we lined up our troops left of my hall. Have you seen Braveheart, Cleopatra, Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire? Well that is what it looked like. Tons of guys lined up ready to fight. It was Awesome.

About this time, Mega sent up an Ogre or something and started hitting on mine that was standing between my two barracks. He hit the guy then ran. I chased the Ogre, then stopped and went back. I wondered what the hell Mega was doing. I thought he might be doing the Steve Borosh Strategy. Send in an Ogre and hope I followed into some kind of trap. Well I went about my business. Just then my 2 barracks blew up. Megatron had sent in 2 sappers and got both my barracks. That is what he was up to. He was getting my Ogre out of the way so he could blow up my stuff. What was really funny tho' is that I didn't have any money anyway. I was laughing. He could have my barracks, it's not like I had any gold to build anything anyway. I told my teammates I sorta didn't have any more barracks. haha

Well about this time, I or someone else noticed that red had some towers going up right below my hall. I don't know what happened but someone yelled charge and all our guys ran down there. Tons of Ogres, Grunts and the lot. Gotcha yelled wait or something but it was too late. He had bloodlust and he said after the game that he had enough to bloodlust us all. Well too late.

What resulted was one of the biggest battles I've ever seen in the game. Now I'm sure there have been bigger battles but not with that many good players and not during a time when the game was still going. Sure I've seen plenty of massave armies at the end of games beating on people that are already dead but this was still early in the game. Imagine saving up guys until your first mine gives out. Imagine almost everyone in the game doing that. Well it turns out Gotcha had gotten bloodust. He was the only one. He bloodlusted all his Ogres and went in. It was massive fighting. Everyone from Grunts, Ogres to peons were in the battle. Big groups of peons fighting in between the Ogres and Grunts. This battle took minutes. More and more troops ran in from both sides. Man if one thing in the game could be saved, I'd like to have saved the footage of that battle. It was so massive. I managed to grab two pictures of a small portion of the battle since it took up at least 2 full screens.

Here is just 3/8 of the army. You can't even see all the enemy and Vermeer's army. So this gives you an idea of how big this battle was.

About mid way into the battle I grabbed a picture. It looks by this picture that we won the game but in ran a bunch of enemy guys. You can see Part of Gotcha's Ogres(Purple) engaging the enemy to the right.

When the battle was all over, who won? I'm not sure. All my guys were killed. I think it was a tie. I think all the enemy guys were killed too. Maddawg and Gotcha lost all their guy also. I guess Vermeer managed to save a group of Ogres. He had placed them to the side for after the battle.

Well after this massive battle, there was a long lull in the fighting. I had no more gold, troops, or even barracks thanks to Mega :). Everyone else was out of gold too.

It became a race to the middle mines. The whole entire left side of the middle of POS was covered in solid peons all chopping to the middle mines. Yellow peons, Aqua peons, White and Purple peons. It was soooooo coool.

It was clear that we were going to beat them to the mines. If you look at that first picture of the big battle, my hall was just a few inches above that. I could see Red's hall from mine. I could see what was going on. They had made their move to the middle too late.

While this was going on, there was an attack by the enemy. Vermeer ran in with his Ogres and saved us all. Then I think we were pretty much out of troops. What next happened was really funny.

The enemy began sending over peons. All I had was peons and it ended up being a series of little peon attacks. Man I was laughing so hard.

Well our side made it to the mines first. We started whipping out the troops and that was all it took. We ran in an took out the enemy. It was a little more involved than that and I'm sure you will hear about it when more people send in their version of the story.

I put up a barracks and three Alchemists. I started whipping out the sappers. Before Mega left, I got my revenge on him by blowing up his stuff :) Gotcha really rubbed it in. He made Dragon Roosts in Mega's town. I think Mega quit tho' before Gotcha could make the Dragons. Vermeer headed straight for TawianJk who was first on his hit list.

Man the middle was gone at the end. We had chopped away the entire middle almost. Huge Picture!I made this picture from about 5 screen shots. It took me 3 hours to do. I need to make the picture square so I filled up the bottom right with grass. It sill looks pretty good.

That was one of the best games I've ever played. It was just so awesome. That's what happens when you get all the big boys in one game. I wish I could do justice to that game by recounting all the details. I should have written this back when the game happened but I am just too lazy :)

The End.

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