Shlonglor's War 2 Stories
No way that we should have won.

Last Updated 5/6/96

Saturday the whole posse was hanging around so we decided to get in a huge 8 player game. We played on WhatKey and because the game was just too slow, we had to cancel the game. So we decided to try again with a new game. Me(Shlonglor, Gotcha, Vermeer, Ricardo, Nate, Tou, Chrism, and Aldmehr were around. The teams were picked after the game started.

It was going to be Me, Vermeer, Gotcha and Aldmehr vs Chrism, Tou, Nate and Ricardo. Look at the other side. Those are 4 of the best players on Kali. Course we aren't that bad ourselves but they have Chrism and Tou who are always like way ahead of me. So we started off. Gotcha surprised everyone with Bridge to Bridge combat. We went low resources.

I was in Aqua, Gotcha in purple, Aldmehr in Red, Chrism in Blue, Ricardo in Yellow, Tou in White, Vermeer in Black, and Nate in Orange. We started out and Gotcha accidently canceled his town hall. He was telling me he had to do like 4 gold trips and a few chops before he could build his first farm. I was like DOH. Gotcha is out of it already. Vermeer and Gotcha were planning on going in on Nate. I was planning on sitting in my town :)

Well the building process progressed. I walled in the bottom part of my town. Gotcha was so far behind. I was training my 6th peon before Gotcha had his 3rd peon. Vermeer was way ahead of me.

Well I heard Vermeer and Gotcha talking about how they went in on Nate. I didn't hear what happened. Next thing I knew Gotcha was telling me he was dead and Vermeer said he was too. I was like shoot, game over, might as well quit now. Come on 4 on 2 and they were all super good players.

I took all my Grunts, level 3, and went up to the top right corner. I then went left to Blue. I didn't have a clue who was there. I walked into the town and saw yellow peons. I looked up the colors and it was Chrism. I was like CRAP. Chrism always has two times the guys I do. So I went in and killed a few peons and found out Chrism was walled in. He didn't have a tower or anything. I got attacked by a few of Chrism's level 2 grunts but just then my Grunts were level 4. haha. Well I started beating on Chrism's Barracks. Just then Aldmehr showed up. He started helping. I was waiting for about a million grunts to come to my town and to finish me off. I sent in some more Grunts to Chrism's town and Aldmehr did too. We took out his barracks and got into the peons.

Just then like a TON of footmen and grunts show up. It was Chrism, Tou, Ricardo, and I'm not sure if Nate was there too. Anyway, I was like well this games over. But after a huge battle, we won! I couldn't believe it. We had a bunch of Grunts left over.

Just then Ricardo invaded my town. Chrism took off to build another town. I think Aldmehr stayed and finished off some of Chrism's stuff. I had some of Ricardo's footmen in my town so I started to attack. I sent all my Grunts back from Chrism's town and I was yelling at Ald to follow me.

I got back and saved my town. I was pumping out the Ogres. I decided to attack whoever was below me. I figured as long as we were going to lose, might as well kill some enemies first. I went in on Ricardo. He had a few Knights. I attacked them and went in on the peasants. There was a huge number of peons. I started killing them. I think it was then That I got kicked out. I massed some more Ogres and went in again. I started killing peons. Ricardo started running with his peons. I chased them and ran into like a thousand Tou peons. They were mining super long distance. I killed as many as I could. I kept sending in the Ogres from my town as soon as they were completed. I think I got Tou's Ogre mound but maybe that was another invasion. Just then Nate runs in with a bunch of Knights to save Tou. I went down to the Knights.

I then was thinking if Chrism, Tou, and Ricardo are down, we might have it. So I started yelling at Aldmehr to take out Nate. Boy was I yelling :) GET HIM! haha. Sometime before that, I ran out of gold, I didn't even have enough for another hall. DOH. So I started long distance mining operation to top right. Vermeer was hanging out in my town with his Red peons. He asked me where I was going? I didn't have a clue what he was talking about.

Finally, I got enough gold for a second hall. I put it up. Vermeer started building Guard towers and walled them in around my Mine. What a great teammate. haha. That was what he was talking about.

I had 3 Barracks pumping out the Ogres. Sometime around this or before, I sent an Ogre out looking and found Chrism walled in and Tou protecting him. My Ogre ran off and was hanging around Chrism's new town.

The whole time I was wondering what Aldmehr was doing. I was thinking, he probably wasn't doing anything at all. I was wishing I had Gotcha around. I got up to Fortress and put up the Altar.

I noticed my Ogre standing around by Chrism's town and moved him around and saw a ton of purple Ogres beating on Chrism's second town. I was like YEAH. Aldmehr isn't dead, he is kicking some ass. I got a flyer finally and went down to Nate's town. I see a whole lot of purple Ogres Bloodlusting and going in on Nate. YEAH MAN!

I got a 4th barracks and massed a bunch of Ogres. I figured Ricardo was mining again. I went down and found just what I thought. A bunch of Peons mining. I sent all my Ogres in. I started killing Ricardo's peons. Ricardo sends in a few Knights. I took them out.

By this time, Gotcha came up to my room and was watching the game. He saw Ricardo's sapper coming. I sent my Ogres on it and I got it. YEAH! That pissed me off so I started beating on Ricardo's Alchemist. I had taken out Ricardo's stable before that. I was wondering how he was making the Knights.

Just then my Ogre in Chrism's second town comes across a whole lot of Nate's knights. I took all the guys attacking Ricardo and ran home. I was scared. My bloodlust was almost there. I was waiting for Nate to attack my town. Just then I see Nate up there at my second town attacking my Altar. Warp, Gotcha, and I were laughing. I already had the Bloodlust. haha. So I sent up my Ogres. Nate decided not to attack my Gold since I had all of Vermeer's Towers protecting me. Thanks Vermeer! He ran to my town. It seems I had a Guard tower in my town. I sure didn't build it. It was Vermeer's. For some reason, Nate decided to attack the Tower. I started Beating on the Knights backs with the bloodlusted Ogres. Those Knights went DOWN. Thanks for the tower Vermeer! :)

I sent my flyer over Ricardo's town. There was Chrism's peon repairing Ricardo's Alchemist. haha. I ran in with my Bloodlusted Ogres and Just like I thought, Ricardo was mining again. I took out the hall and started on Ricardo's town. I forgot what I took out. I had Ogres all over the place.

Vermeer, who like a great teammate, was watching my mine, informed me that I was getting low on Gold. I took off and built a hall where Chrism's second hall was.

Chrism decided to surrender around then. I think Aldmehr had taken care of Nate. He was talking about how Nate went down to the Bloodlust :) I forgot what happened after that. I took out Ricardo's Keep and went down and started working on Tou. Ricardo and Nate surrendered. Aldmehr ran into Tou's town with his Ogres and we started taking out the buildings. We took out everything we could find, but Tou wasn't eliminated.

I think some of those Tou peons had survived. We looked the whole map, but couldn't find them. Tou then decided that waiting for us to find his peons was lame and he surrendered.

I can't even believe it. It was 2 on 4! And those 4 certainly didn't suck. That is one game that we should have never won. It was them never attacking our Gold supplies that did it. We took out their gold and they did nothing to ours.

We went to Kchat and they wanted a rematch. Almost every time I lose, people always deny me the rematch. So It was my turn. I typed DENIED! I knew we would probably get beat up bad in the next game after that.


Here is Aldmehr's version:

I was top left, gotcha below me, and Nate below that. on the right it was from top to bottom shlonglor, Ricardo, and Tou. Vermeer was in the lower middle. and ChrisM was middle top

Teams were Aldmehr(me),Shlonglor, Vermeer, and Gotcha vs Chrism, Ricardo, Tou, and Nate

Well Gotcha hit esc building his town hall early, so he was screwed and way behind early. Vermeer sent his troops in and invaded Nate early, but couldn't take him out. while Vermeer's city was defenseless, it got invaded by Tou. So he got hurt real bad. Shlonglor went to Chrism and I came to help clean up. Meanwhile, Gotcha was invaded but someone and killed.

So from this point Gotcha and Vermeer are basically out, while Chrism got away with enough to start a new city. Tou, Ricardo, and Nate are all strong left to kill. i send all my Grunts to follow Shlonglor, and they went down to Ricardo and we double teamed him hurting some of his peons, then we moved to black and attack him as well, but eventually all those troops are repelled. well by this time I have started pumping out the ogres, so i move them to middle to take out Chrism's start-over city operation. As I am doing this, Nate sends up his troops to protect Chrism but does not send enough and they die. Meanwhile I assume Shlonglor is taking care of the weakened Ricardo(peons) and Tou (who spent his troops on Vermeer), while Chrism is now out. well now I have plenty of ogres and have bloodlust coming. I move my squad down to bottom middle and find Nate mining there. He tries to defend it, having more troops, but my bloodlust wins me the battle and I dispose of his peons, leaving me with few troops which eventually die. Well I pump out more Ogres and I move down the west side to near bottom where Tou is mining but has no troops because he is messing with Shlonglor, so I waste that mining operation, then move down to the bottom corner where Nate's main city is. well he apparently sent his troops off, so I bloodlust up and take out his 4 barracks with my 20? Ogres, then move to waste the rest of his city.

Now it is me and Shlonglor vs. Ricardo and Tou. with Tou's peons dead, he can't reinforce Ricardo, so Shlonglor has the upper hand against Ricardo, who now has no chance so he loses his peons a couple times. By this time it is just a matter of clean up as there are 40 ogres (Shlong and i) that move into and begin quickly leveling Tou's city. except for peon and building cleanup we were done, so they surrendered.


Well I still don't know how we won. Bloodlust? Stopping them all from mining? Well anyway the important thing is we won :)

Aldmehr is awesome! So is Vermeer for his towers :)

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