Shlonglor's War 2 Stories
The Newbie!

Last Updated 4/10/96

Ok, you want to hear a warcraft 2 story that will make you laugh or cry? Well here it is... Today i played a 2 on 2 game. It was me (_Jaime_) and some loser named Dark_Side (it was dark_something, i was so pissed when i quit the game that i forgot his name!) against Vatolio & ughh I forgot the other guy's name. Well anywayz, we were playing garden and i was black and dark_side was red. I send him a message telling him im going private. I ask him, "Are you any good?" He replies, "I am decent." Well i tell myself ok, start building. While im building he messages me telling me he's coming my way. I ask him "Why?" He replies, "Because there is no gold mine down here." From then on, i turned off my messages to him, and was telling my opponents how bad my partner sucked. He built his hall, right below mine! He wasn't mining any gold, and had no army when the first attack came. I was hit hard, and with no help from him it was all over. My enemies, who were now no longer private, were telling me, how dark_side had only 1 peasant who was chopping lumber! Im watching the orcs raze my town, and dark_side's hall (which i could see since it was RIGHT below mine). Next thing i know, dark_side sends 1 level 1 grunt to attack 6 grunts and a tower. Heh heh.. Everyone had a good laugh at that one. Oh yeah, while I was building grunts, he asked me (and this is a quote), "You got any warriors?" Warriors!? crap, were we playing the same game?!


It was me (ZeroK) and Vatolio vs Jamie and _Dark_Side Vatolio and I Knew at least one of them was right above us in the top left in Garden of war. i was below Jamie at orange. I sent an early peasant to Jamie's town to see what he was building, but as I go up there I see red (dark side) building right below him.. and on top of that he build his town hall so that his one pesant was trapped. I want to attack fast so Vatolio sent some troops to my town and we got ready to attack.. no one had towers so we double teamed Jamie and kill all of his guys and town hall we left a farm so he could see what happened.. Some how, dark side got one pesant out and built a barracks but then he sent his one pesant to attack our guys!!! We all laughed. Then, I went and built a tower right next to dark side's town hall.. The whole time Jamie was saying how darkside was crying for help so Jamie said "what help, because of you i have no town" so the dark side had his one pesant that was trapped in a small area chop lumber.. But when the pesant chopped his was out my troops attacked this one pesant.. it was so funny..


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