Random trivia #1

Last week I finished teaching my class at the local SDF (Self Defense Forces) base. I was always curious as to exactly what they were saying when they saluted each other. It sounded to me just like they were hissing. They’d salute and go “HSSSSSSS!” all the time. Weird, eh? <p> So, I asked one of the other teachers. He said they are saying “Otsukaresama desu,” which means something like “good work” or “you’ve been working hard.” BUT, obviously, they’re cutting out most of the phrase, and leave only the hissing “S” sound at the end. <p>I thought it was kinda interesting.


I'm behind the times...

I saw a “greatest hits” copy of Katamari Damacy last week, and finally went and bought it today. So far I’m lovin’ it; great concept and awesome soundtrack. I wanted this game for a while, but similarly to Guilty Gear XX #reload, I just couldn’t find a copy. I’ll write a review later. This is one of those games that just brings a smile to your face while playing.


Things I'll do when I get back to the States, part 1

I’m getting a lip ring like Nigel Bennett, and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop me!<p> EDIT: There’s nothing that can stop me except for massive negative feedback!


grrl gamers!

I saw this link on Kotaku today, and couldn’t help laughing. It’s an “exclusive review” of a videogame “clan,” composed entirely of attractive, game-playing females. I actually knew about this entire fiasco a few months ago. Basically, a game publisher (Ubi Soft, for those concerned) hired a bunch of girls to write blogs about playing videogames on a webpage, especially videogames published by Ubi Soft. For anyone with half a brain, it was obvious that some crap publisher is trying to use teh ol’ sex appeal to get people to buy their crap games. Therefore, I was able to get a laugh out of the aforementioned link. <p> After I thought about it, though, I realized it’s kind of a shame. These girls are probably pretty good at games, and have to like them at least somewhat in order to have a job that requires playing them. Yet is it worth it to take a job that is obviously objectifying you, even if part of it is something you really like? I guess a hardcore feminist would decry the entire games industry as being entirely too testosterone-laden, and wouldn’t play games at all. I’m probably just one of the bleeding hearts who thinks that it wouldn’t hurt to have some prominent, positive female figures in the games industry whose main asset isn’t sex appeal.


Ughh, programming

Just for the heckuvit, I looked around for some socket programming references. I briefly studied such things as inter-process communication (two programs talking to each other) and threading (your program makes lots of mini-programs) in one of my college courses, but I proceeded to forget everything. Ironically, that was probably the best computer class I took at UNL, in terms of practical knowledge and a non-crap teacher. The guy who taught it wasn’t even on staff as a lecturer; he did network admin for the school, which I guess meant he actually KNEW about some practical bits. <p> Anyway, after a brief review of C sockets (sockets = internet programming), I came to the realization that I probably used Java for my class, because the C functions are stupidly complicated. Looking at them pretty much made me want to NOT program with C. After reprogramming this page, I’m not sure what to do next. Maybe I’ll work with OpenGL again.