Ughh, programming
Just for the heckuvit, I looked around for some socket programming references. I briefly studied such things as inter-process communication (two programs talking to each other) and threading (your program makes lots of mini-programs) in one of my college courses, but I proceeded to forget everything. Ironically, that was probably the best computer class I took at UNL, in terms of practical knowledge and a non-crap teacher. The guy who taught it wasn’t even on staff as a lecturer; he did network admin for the school, which I guess meant he actually KNEW about some practical bits. <p> Anyway, after a brief review of C sockets (sockets = internet programming), I came to the realization that I probably used Java for my class, because the C functions are stupidly complicated. Looking at them pretty much made me want to NOT program with C. After reprogramming this page, I’m not sure what to do next. Maybe I’ll work with OpenGL again.
Nate wrote on :
What, nothing to say about PROGRAMMING!?!?!
There must be something wrong with y'all.
adam wrote on :
return 0
adam wrote on :
i dont think anyone reads this site anymore...
nate wrote on :
haha, maybe like 5 people
GAck wrote on :
I don't check it out often enough but am always interested in the programming references. Java or C# is the way to go. C,C++ are old school. Threading is cool but confusing.
Nate wrote on :
This's another test
Nate wrote on :
Slashes only on preview? ''
0 wrote on :
Another test comment