
Just got back from watching Serenity, the movie based on the ill-fated FOX TV show ‘Firefly.’ Here’s my short version of a review: it’s good. I would say the only complaint is that it’s a bit hard understand what’s going on for viewers who aren’t familiar with the TV show. I feel vindicated, because last night we went to see Into the Blue, which was (obviously) not too great, on the recommendation of someone else. And tonight we saw a good movie recommended by me! I win.

I wore one of my grandfather's old blazers today, and absolutely everyone said, "Nice jacket!" I wore it quite a lot last year, and no one said anything. I guess the Japanese don't know style when they see it.

The Mikado is tomorrow! A slight mishap occurred when one of the party members backed out to attend a cousin's wedding, so we have one extra ticket. Trying to get someone else to come, but I'm not exactly sure who. I may send out a mass email tomorrow to the house church mailing list.

Also, I think I left my cell phone in the office today, which means no calls during the weekend, and I come in on Monday to a dead phone. But, theoretically, I also get a parking pass on Monday, so maybe it won't be all bad.


End of Oktoberfest 2k5

Well, it’s Sunday night, and another year’s Oktoberfest draws to a close. No one died this year, although Stavros did go in for the big spit a few times last night. Suprisingly, today he showed no ill effects from his excessive consumption. This afternoon a large group of people went to Schmidt’s Sausage Haus in German Village, and everyone had a meat headache afterwards. <p> Even though I haven’t worked for around 1.5 months, I kinda don’t want to go back to work tomorrow. Must be human nature; although I know that I’ll be insanely bored with no job, I still don’t like having one sometimes.


In Columbus

Ed helped me build my loft yesterday; I also bought a mattress, cleaned the kitchen in my new house, and am in the process of negotiating employment. Things are rapidly progressing, and mostly for the good, as far as I can tell.


Photos (9/23/05)

My vidgame collection, boxed and ready to go. Yeah, there’s a lot of stuff. You can’t even see about half of it, because those big plastic containers are stacked. Suffice to say, I possess a lot of videogame history. I need to sell a lot of that junk. I think I can probably get rid of the Saturn if I buy a few of the Sega Ages games. The only Saturn games I own that are worth playing are NiGHTS and Panzer Dragoon. I also want to get rid of my Playstation, but who would want it? I’ll probably have to imagine a creative way to use the case; make a flower pot out of it or something. By the way, I’m going to make all you Funlumbus people play Katamari Damacy and Minna Daisuki Katamari Damacy. Consider youreselves warned.

Here's the men's group photo at Holden Beach. In the back we got Greg, Ed, Phil, Alan, Jake, and Andy. The front is, of course, me, Soulman, and Patrick. The first five guys in the back row are going to be my roommates in a few days.


Chat Log (9/21/05)


: Yo!


: was today exciting?


: haha


: what an dumb question


: asinine, in fact


: Oh, you bet!


: Humped the dog for 12 hours and went home and ate rice.


: haha


: ‘humped the dog’


: that’s a new one for me


: Yeah, I made it up.


: It means ‘to work’.


: I like it


: Spread it around the internet.


: perhaps (and I’m not just saying this) I’ll use it in the future


: Yeah! It just kind of came out. Kind of inspired, I thought.


: It works in many situations.


: “Gotta go hump the dog…bye.” “How long did you hump the dog?” “Humped the dog, going for beer.”