Just got back from watching Serenity, the movie based on the ill-fated FOX TV show ‘Firefly.’ Here’s my short version of a review: it’s good. I would say the only complaint is that it’s a bit hard understand what’s going on for viewers who aren’t familiar with the TV show. I feel vindicated, because last night we went to see Into the Blue, which was (obviously) not too great, on the recommendation of someone else. And tonight we saw a good movie recommended by me! I win.
I wore one of my grandfather's old blazers today, and absolutely everyone said, "Nice jacket!" I wore it quite a lot last year, and no one said anything. I guess the Japanese don't know style when they see it.
The Mikado is tomorrow! A slight mishap occurred when one of the party members backed out to attend a cousin's wedding, so we have one extra ticket. Trying to get someone else to come, but I'm not exactly sure who. I may send out a mass email tomorrow to the house church mailing list.
Also, I think I left my cell phone in the office today, which means no calls during the weekend, and I come in on Monday to a dead phone. But, theoretically, I also get a parking pass on Monday, so maybe it won't be all bad.
Laura wrote on :
The closest theatre that has "Serenity" is in Lincoln. I blame the Midwest in general for being lame. :/