Seriously sucks. Come on, Apple, start programming some MMS support for the damn JesusPhone. sucks. Come on, Apple, start programming some MMS support for the damn JesusPhone.
Some funny parodies of Japan Rail’s Tokyo Metro’s “Please do it at home” signs.
Started checking out Flex today. Been wanting to learn up something new recently, and Flex seems to bridge the gap between web development and a more traditional desktop application. So, what is Flex?
Flex is "Flash for programmers." Previously, to create a Flash application, one had to utilize the timeline-based, GUI Flash authoring tool published by Adobe. While later versions of Flash allowed some pretty heavy programming through ActionScript, it was tedious and/or annoying to program through what was essentially a visual editor. Also, the program cost $900.
Flex is free from Adobe; they sell an IDE which supposedly makes things easier... it seems you can do drag 'n drop application layouts with it, reminicent of Visual Basic. Anyway, I digress. A Flex application is made up of MXML (an XML-derivative used for layout) and ActionScript 3 (for logic). A very valid comparison would be to compare Flex to HTML (presentation) and PHP/ASP (logic).
I downloaded the SDK (read the release notes... no real "installation" per se, but you have to uninstall/reinstall your Flash player), and ran through the first two parts of this orientation. It starts you out with a basic application, then goes into tying Flex into other dynamic web languages such as PHP. Definitely web-centric for right now; I'm interested in looking into more graphical, ActionScript-centric tutorials.
OK, so the Genius update on iTunes 8 is pretty slick. That will keep me from using as much as I have been recently. But they took out a bunch of preferences that made iTunes, in my opinion, less ugly. I’m talking about those damn arrows next to every artist, album, and track that takes you to the store, and the useless Genre column. Here’s the fix — paste these commands into the Terminal:
defaults write show-genre-when-browsing -bool FALSE
defaults write show-store-arrow-links -bool FALSE