
When learning the code base of a new project, there are always places where you look at what’s been written, and have a “WTF” moment. Normally, it’s best to leave written code in place – if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. However, I let myself get a bit carried away with a recent project, and rewrote the bulk of the server-side component. I thought I’d pull out a small example of how you can take some verbose code, and condense it down to something more readable.

In this example, we have an array of email addresses, some of which may be prepended with the string "coordinator-". Why the original developer didn’t just create two database columns, user_emails and coordinator_emails, I can’t imagine. In any case, we want to send a message to the “non-coordinator” email addresses.

Here was the original code:

var to = "";
for(var i=0; i<emails.length; i++) {
    var email = emails[i];
    if(email.indexOf('coordinator') == -1) {
        to += email;
        if(i != emails.length-1) to += ",";
to = to.slice(0, -1);

Straightforward enough, right? Create an empty string, and concatenate the appropriate email addresses (include a separating comma), then remove the final comma. So, if the emails array looks like ['', '', ''], the final output is the string ",".

But there’s an easier way to do this, and it involves being knowledgeable about common Array manipulation methods. The first thing we want to do is remove any email addresses that contain "coordinator-". Filter them out, if you will. By Jove, there just happens to be an Array method named filter that we can use! Next, we want to join the resulting email addresses together, with a comma between them. What do you know? join is an Array method as well!

The whole thing boils down to one (long) line (pardon the ES6 syntax):

let recipients = emails.filter(email => { return email.indexOf('coordinator-') === -1; }).join(',');

Which do you prefer?

