App Pricing Experiment

For the month of January, I'm running a pricing experiment with Nonogram Madness. For the first two weeks, I'm pricing it at $0.99, and for the last two, $1.99 (the normal price is $2.99). Since all my sales come from users searching the App Store, and not from any external source, I'm hoping to be able to find the "sweet spot" where I get the most downloads at the highest price. As a baseline for comparison, I'll be able to use the previous 5 months when the game was at its' original price.

What I'm trying to find is whether 5 people would buy Nonogram Madness for $2.99, or 30 people would buy it for $0.99 (on a daily basis). Obviously, if it's the latter, I'd get more revenue from pricing it at the "traditional" level. I'm not sure if this experiment will help me determine pricing for future games, but I figured I can't really damage sales of Nonogram Madness, since they've been more or less consistent since the month after the game was released. Whatever the results are, I'll be sure to post them here.



App Pricing Experiment: Results | Ganbaru Games wrote on :

[...] you’ll recall, a month ago I decided to experiment with the price of Nonogram Madness. Since launch, I had it priced at $2.99; playing the game through to completion [...]