Humble Indie Bundle #2

I'm sure you're already aware of this promotion going on, but just in case, I'll do a little PSA. The second iteration of the Humble Indie Bundle is happening right now. It's become popular these days for smaller, independent developers (of both games and other software) to steeply discount their products and sell them as part of a promotional bundle. While they don't make as much per sale, there are usually a lot more sales. For example, a person might only want one piece of software in the bundle, but they buy it anyway because they think it's a good deal. Then all the bundle participants benefit.

The original Humble Indie Bundle was made pretty popular because the organizers donated a portion of their proceeds to charity (offering very high profile independent games such as World of Goo, Aquaria, and Gish in the bundle also helped). Although I had already purchased Gish and Aquaria, I bought the bundle to help support the developers. This second bundle isn't quite as compelling for me... the only game I'm interested in playing is Braid (I'm on a Mac and don't have an Xbox 360, so haven't played it yet). But I'm going to buy it anyway, and you should too. Hopefully the continued success of these kind of promotions will be great for both gamers (get games for cheap) and developers (get money to eat).



Ben Friedberg wrote on :

hey fella, you should also take a look at osmos. it's a nice, ambient Fl0w clone

butr0s wrote on :

Hah, yeah I actually have both the desktop and iOS versions, but haven't played either one yet.