Hello World!

This has been a long time in coming, but finally I'm gonna get a blog up and running for Ganbaru Games. The goals for this site are partly selfish and partly altruistic. Well, OK, mostly selfish.

  1. Write tips & tricks regarding game making, especially (of course) relating to iOS. I've been helped out a lot by other game developers who have taken time to write tutorials and whatnot on their blogs, so I'd like to return the favor.
  2. Write updates about my own published & upcoming games — I guess there's Twitter and whatnot, but I'd like a central self-hosted hub as well.
  3. Get back into writing game reviews (focusing on iOS, of course). It'll probably be good source of inspiration to see what other developers are doing with the platform.

As far as frequency, I'm going to try to post at least once per week. So, that's the plan... hope to see you return over the coming months!

