Nonogram Madness is on the App Store

A few months ago I decided to try my hand at iPhone development, and the result is finally with us. Presenting Nonogram Madness for iPhone and iPod Touch!

For those of you who've been following along at home, late last year I made the first version of Nonogram Madness in Flash using the Flixel framework. Since I knew I would have to learn both a new language and a new programming framework to create anything on iOS, I decided to re-work a previous creation. I thought since the core logic had already been programmed, porting would be relatively straightforward.

Obviously, in the end it was a bit more complicated than that. There were lots of unexpected challenges, such as dealing with touch-based controls, as well as creating all-new puzzles. It's been the most ambitious project I've done in my spare time to date, and I'm actually pretty proud of it.

In fact, I enjoyed the process so much that I created an LLC to publish the game under. The company is called Ganbaru Games, and while right now it's not profitable at all, I'm hoping that perhaps if I get enough decent games out there, I can take advantage of the "long tail." The word "ganbaru" means "to try ones' best" or "to work hard" in Japanese, and that's the philosophy I'd like to bring with me in game creation.

If you'd like to show your support for my game-making efforts, why not follow @ganbarugames on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook?</p>

