NES World Championship 1990 Cart
A while ago I discovered a reproduction of the famous 1990 NES World Championship cart being sold by some chaps called RetroZone. It's basically a collection of three games, Super Mario Bros., Rad Racer, and Tetris, with a built-in 6 minute timer. Collect coins in Mario, go the distance in Rad Racer, and get yo'self some lines in Tetris... then check your score. I would have loved to have actually played this original cartridge 18 years ago, but my family lived too far away from any of the major metropolitan areas that the World Championship tour went to. There was no way I could have convinced my parents to drive to Denver (the nearest city) for what would be essentially a 6 minute gameplay session (plus a few hours waiting around, I'm sure). If you have some cash, and want to experience some nostalgia, hit up RetroZone to purchase a copy of their reproduction. It's a much cheaper way to play the experience without paying the $5k+ that the real carts are being sold for.