First Actionscript example

First Actionscript example

So here's the first real result of my toying Actionscript. If you'll notice, the last post where I actually first downloaded the Flex 3 SDK was two months ago. It didn't take me two months to do this, but rather took me that long to figure out when I could fit in extra programming time. The past two weeks I've started waking up super early, in order to study Actionscript before work. Anyway, I digress. This SWF was created with multiple classes, including a keyboard handler, main program class, and "entity" class (which in this case displays a blue box). Slowly figuring stuff out, like how to import graphics and associate them with an object, as well as event handling. Once the language-specific stuff gets figured out, things get easier because you know how to implement abstract algorithms/ideas. (Ah, just to reduce any potential confusion, you have to click the SWF in order to set focus, since it's not embedded in the page. Apparently WordPress doesn't like to embed SWFs...)



Tyler wrote on :

excellent. I'll post my experimental stuff later too, made a bad Asteroids clone.