So I quit reading Daring Fireball a while ago (no, I’m not linking it). For a while, I was all
So I quit reading Daring Fireball a while ago (no, I’m not linking it). For a while, I was all, “Yay Apple,” but not much anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I like their stuff, but I’ve never been a fan of the level of fanaticism that some people reach. This guy, John Gruber, who writes Daring Fireball, would have some interesting links and whatnot posted daily, but every once in a while would just hunker down and start dishing out the sexual favors (in a metaphorical sense) to Steve Jobs et. al. It was pretty disgusting to read, and a sad example of the level that fanboys stoop to: not only did he actually write this tripe, but is enabled to do so by other enthusiasts (as far as I know, he doesn’t actually do anything, but is a professional Apple shill).
Basically, he’s a giant a-hole. And I felt compelled to get that off my chest. Suck it, Gruber.