Web dev tips #1
If you've ever had to do "print" stylesheets, I'm sure it's been exasperating. I mean, seriously... who prints web pages (Aside from people in my office, who print everything)? I saw a post on 37signals' blog regarding print stylesheets that inspired me. That link isn't actually the original article, but the gist is similar: set display: none
for each extraneous element. Easy!
These guys also inspired me with another little bit of labor-saving information: the 'Home' and 'End' keys. In your browser, Home takes you to the top of a page, while End goes all the way to the bottom. Amazing how often I use these keys now, in addition to the 'Page Up' and 'Page Down' for scrolling through pages. Plus, in your (non-Emacs) text editor, Home moves the cursor to the start of a line, while End goes to... you guessed it... the end of a line.