The blog is back

Yollah to the people who still check this page!

I busted out the old WordPress database, upgraded it, and here we are! The previous posts are vintage, aged about two years, from back when I was wallowing in Japan. It makes light, interesting reading, and is especially nostalgic for me. Like a dog to its' vomit, I keep coming back for more blog action. If we can learn anything from history, a prediction that I will get tired and delete everything here wouldn't be too far off the mark. However, until that time, you can read sporadic ramblings that emanate from my ridiculous head.

I'm mostly going to be writing about videogames, running, and perhaps Christianity, since those are the biggest things in my life right now (aside from the girlfriend, but she's not a topic for the intar-nets). If you want to hear me opine on something, drop me a line and I'll write up an essay.

