Laptops and games

Well, my laptop problems are seemingly over, but not without a final hitch at the end. I got my Gateway, and it’s very nice, except for the fact that the battery it came with sticks out from the back of the computer, making an unsightly protrusion. Sure, it has double the battery life of the one that looks nice, but it’s ugly and weighs down the machine. Since the sales rep who sold me the computer told me that the default battery doesn’t stick out, she offered to sell me the smaller battery at half price. I figured I might as well, since I got the computer so cheap to begin with. So, finally, I’ll have a decently portable laptop that I can do work on.

I noticed that finalists for the 2007 Independent Games Festival have been announced. I figured that I might try a few o’ these games, since they are of a length which I can appreciate, then post my thoughts here. (I’m losing it on Final Fantasy XII… it’s so long, and once the combat/leveling system loses its novelty, there’s little reason to keep playing.)

