Final Fantasy XII
Jeez, when I was a kid, I would’na thought that I’d still be playing Final Fantasy games more than 15 years later. Improved graphics aside, what really changes? Sadly, not a whole lot. Until now. I’m addicted to this new one, largely in part due to the new battle system. Instead of stopping action for random, turn-based battles, FFXII opts for a more Diablo/Phantasy Star Online-like combat system, where enemies are encountered and fought in real time. Character actions are “turn-based,” in that there’s a limit on how fast actions can be performed, but on the whole it makes for much more fluid gameplay. The voice actors are also quite a bit better than the ones in the previous two PS2 games. I keep wanting to get some serious game time in, but have been seriously hampered as of late. Frustration! Perhaps a full review will come after a while.