Cave Story (part two)
I’ve been playing this game off and on for a while now, and have already beaten it once on the ‘easy’ setting. I command you all to download it; it’s probably one of the most inspired games I’ve played in a while. While the level of intricacy doesn’t compare to most modern games, it has a ‘good feel’ to it; obviously a lot of time and care went into it’s creation. The game’s story is actually rather interesting and compelling, as well. Playing through a second time is rewarding, because certain plot elements (which are vague the first time through) become clearer once you know the whole story. In addition, there are a lot of secrets and hidden stuff, most of which you’re unlikely to find on the first go.
I found out about this game because of a post on Kotaku saying that an official port is being developed for the PSP. That blows me away: a one-man game is being taken commercial. Yes, it’s that good. I really resonate with this scenario, since it’s a throwback to the cowboy days of game design, where most games were made entirely by just a few people. Even though I never invested much time in game programming myself, it was always discouraging to feel that I could never produce anything worthwhile by myself. Obviously, Pixel, the creator of Cave Story, proves this wrong. It took him five years, but he created something that I felt actually compelled to play… and that’s not something that happens a whole lot these days.