Cave Story
Long time no post. I’ve been somewhat busy with the work; plus I destroyed my right wrist when I fell off my bike about a month ago. The resulting pain makes it hard to play games. I was almost finished with Okami, but then I had this accident, which meant that the gaming was put on hold for a while.
I’m not in the loop when it comes to the indie game scene, which is probably a mistake on my part. Anyway, I missed this little number: Cave Story. It’s a side-scroller reminicent of Metroid and Castlevania: SotN. The graphics are a beautiful, nostalgic throwback to the days of DOS (ironically, my family didn’t own a PC in that era, but I still like the graphical style).
Anyway, download the game and check it out. I hooked up my Sega gamepad for the first time in ages, and it plays great. By the way, comments are working again, so have at it, if you will.