New Zapper!

Ok, ‘Wii’ is still kind of a lame name for a Nintendo console, but I think that it’s going to be so cool that no one will care by the end of E3. First, we have the ‘Wii-mote,’ which looks amazing (I got a gander at Nintendo’s keynote, which featured Shigeru Miyamoto, Satoru Iwata, and Reggie Fils-Amie flailing about playing a tennis game).

Next, the regular Wii controller is, more or less, a SNES controller with two analog sticks. Since the SNES controller is one of the best ever designed (in terms of tactability and button layout), this looks promising.

Finally, there’s a new Zapper, with the promise of a Duck Hunt sequel.

Oh wait, what about the Virtual Console, which, in addition to old Nintendo games, will also allow you to play Sega and NEC (Turbo Grafix-16) games?



adam wrote on :

yeah it will allow you to download tg-16 games
i've been waiting YEARS to play Bonk's Adventure again.
I may or may not get this.
Is there any info on the release price?

Nate wrote on :

From what I've heard, people are unsure if it'll be $200 or $250; I wouldn't be suprised if they hit the $200 sweet spot: 1/2 and 1/3 the price of the high-end Xbox 360 and PS3, respectively. Definite purchase.