Das Keyboard
So, I ordered one of those keyboards today. I currently have a worthless, worthless Dell keyboard. I’m kind of excited; supposedly even expert typists look at keymarkings a lot, so removing them forces you to memorize the layout of the keyboard. I usually don’t look, but some keys (like the numbers/symbols) I can’t hit correctly on the first try. Plus, the keys are weighted based on usage frequency and position. Hott!
I’m contemplating writing reviews of videogames this weekend, pending free time.
I’m also contemplating selling my Nintendo DS in anticipation of the DS Lite.
Too much contemplation!
Edit: Also, the blog is moving to nathandemick.com, while b-g.com is turning into this.
adam wrote on :
why not just spraypaint a keyboard and save some money.
i've got two more klakityklak boards here...
Nate wrote on :
A few reasons:
1. USB (Macs don't have PS/2 ports)
2. Paint is not a serious option; it would come off due to constant wear
3. Elitism
4. Weighted keys
Laura wrote on :
That's cool. I have all the letter keys memorized but I don't think I know the numbers and special symbols (aside from common ones). You should take a typing test now and then take one again in a few months to see if you've actually improved. BTW the fan you ordered arrived but I haven't put it in yet.