It's 2:24 on a rainy Thursday
Ok, now it’s 2:51, ‘cos I’ve been doing work. Laura says I should update the page more; to be honest, I should retire this domain and get one based on my name, there to keep the resumé and programs and stuff. I just can’t write about personal things on the ‘net, which seems to be a requirement of good online journals. The reason being I don’t like to spew emotional gibberish, to be read and interpreted by all and sundry. For example, yesterday we were reading a friend’s blog, and it was so personal that I almost, almost barfed. I send email (sometimes) mentioning pertinent details, so if you’re not on the list, I guess you should email me sometime, jerk.
Here’s something cool: I just finished playing some games of 9-ball on the pool table that my company got for doing a stupid website. It’s kinda nice to take a break that way around 3:30 in the afternoon.
I’m going to some kind of men’s retreat this weekend; where to, I have no idea. I don’t know what’s going to happen there, either. How’s that for organized and informed? Recent developments have made me a bit less enthusiastic about going than I originally was (think of apathy turning into mild distaste). What recent developments? Here’s where I get to make vague references that those in the know will smile and nod their heads over. All you other chumps can try to use Sherlock Holmes-style deduction to figure me out. Just think of what possible (and rational) reasons I might have for not wanting to leave town, on the weekend especially. If you guess correctly, you win absolutely nothing except a glowing sense of self-satisfaction.
In other news, I’m thinking of expanding the Linker’s links on the main page, so I can post multiple links and people will actually see them. And, that’s all!