Back in Teh States

The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated. I’m back in good ol’ Hastings, Nebraska, hanging out with the folks. The trip back was fairly average: I couldn’t sleep at all, and basically sat in a trance because my contorted body was too cramped to move. Plus, I almost drained the battery of my iPod in one go. I went from Hikone to Tokyo to St. Paul to Detroit to Omaha, which in total spanned about 20 hours. Plus, I didn’t get mugged and have all my money stolen! Hardcore, eh?

So far it's been pretty good to be back in N. America; hard to believe that I was gone for a year. Also, got to see off Matt before he hit Utsunomiya to take my place. Today I totally ate some great food, and I will eat more great food tomorrow.

Hah, as an aside: Sam and I bought a Nintendo 64 on Monday, and we totally played a bunch of Mario Kart 64. It was excellent.



soulman wrote on :

Totally welcome back! When are you heading up this way for a little apartment shopping, eh?

adam wrote on :

im gonna be in Lincoln this weekend (6th - 8th) for Luke and Amber's wedding reception.
I'm sure you're gonna be hanging with the fam but just in case you're not... do you remember where Luke lives?

nate wrote on :

hey, are you making fun of my use of the word "totally"? I will slay you

also, I vaguely remember where Luke lives; not sure what the plans are this weekend, but I'll let you know

chalupa wrote on :

welcome back butros! i will be visiting you in columbus soon

soulman wrote on :

I would totally never make fun of you, dude. Enjoy your time with the fam.

Matt M. wrote on :

Welcome back.

Buy Perfect Dark, because it's the only N64 game you'll ever need.