I unsubscribed from the mailing list. I’ve been getting it for roughly around two years, but now I can’t think of any reason to keep the status quo. For sure, if you’re one who is into the English teaching, it’s a great resource, but I completely burned myself out after one year. Even with less than one month to go, it’s hard to pysche myself up for some of those soul-draining classes. I can only imagine what junior high teachers have to go through every day of their lives, and it must be rotten. <p> I re-read The Sound and The Fury this week, for the first time in about seven years. I must say, I liked it quite a bit better this time, although I still don’t pretend to understand everything that goes on beneath the surface. I remembered a lot of the commentary that my old English teacher dispensed to my class, and idly wondered if I’d be able to absorb that kind of stuff on my own. Probably not, because I don’t nit and pick enough. Especially with stream of conciousness writing, I tend to read quickly so as to try and absorb as much information as I can in a short period of time, as if the words were goin’ directly to the brain-box. For some reason, I tend to be more interested in the interaction between characters and the characters themselves rather than wordplay and hidden innuendo. Or maybe that’s just me making excuses for bein’ dumb! <p> I proceeded from a Nobel Prize-winning author to Robert Ludlum (shout-out to Ben). Go me!
Matt M. wrote on :
The shareef don't like it
Rockin' the Casbah
Rock the Casbah
The shareef don't like it
Rockin' the Casbah
Rock the Casbah
chalupa wrote on :
yo butros - i hear ya on getting burned out teaching. not this past school year but the one before it i got wrangled into teaching some computer classes to 5th-8th graders. i had no text book, no curriculum and there were a few other not so fun features as well. it was kinda fun at first but quickly became not so fun. after i was done i decided i don't want to have to do that again for a very long time.