More stuff

EDIT: started work on <a href=archives.php>archive page</a>; it’ll display old posts taken off the main page<p> EDIT: started work on profiles; will allow you to upload new avatars, change info about yerself, etc. Next up is doing old post display, search functions, etc<p> Still doing slow work on programming action. Added a stats page to the linker, check it <a href=linker.php?action=stats>here</a>. Rudimentary comments system also added; I’ll continue to update it. Please make note of any bugs or features you want, and post ‘em in the comments for this post. If not, then whatevah, yo. <p>



Nate wrote on :

testing comments again

testing preview wrote on :


another test wrote on :

preview test

another test wrote on :

post test