iPod mini impressions

So, yeah, I finally joined the league of trendy punks and purchased an iPod. I opted to go with the 4 gig mini, due to the mix of storage space and physical size. Turns out that it was a good choice, because the mini fits in my pocket easily, without being bulky. It’s smaller than my (stupidly small) cell phone. The iPod Shuffle is way small, but at $150 for only 1 gig of storage, plus no screen, I figured an extra $50 would be worth it. Apple has a devious pricing plan for their iPods. The next best model is always $50 more. And it’s always WAY better than your current level. It’s easy to get suckered into the neverending “Well, it’s only $50 more!” loop, until you’re buying the top-‘o-the-line iPod. <p>I should have gotten one of these months ago. It’s so awesome to have on the train. I can still study flashcards or whatever, but also listen to music at the same time. When I get back to the states I can use it in my car, too. I’ve really never used a portable music device before, so it’s an interesting experience. The Walkman was before my time, CD players are too bulky to walk around with, and MDs never really caught on in the states. I feel like I have a protective shield around me, somehow. Strange feeling, yet cool because of my reclusive nature. <p> I’m definitely happy that I got it; I think it was a long overdue purchase. The only problem now is that I walk around every day with like $600 worth of electronics in my bag. If I ever lose it (however unlikely that may be) I’ll be out of a wad o’ cash.

