A few thoughts

So, it becomes rapidly apparent to me that splitting the webpage was not a good idea. One of the pages will get neglected, and I have a sinking suspicion that it will be the ‘games’ one. SO, once I get a bit more time, I will DELETE the games page and consolidate to just one iteration of this content management program. Now the decision becomes whether to reinstall in the root directory or leave some kind of intro page there.

Anyway, with the new net connect, I have decided to try to take more photos, and upload one every day, with some kind of blurb. My friends Sam and Matt didn’t do this (Ok, Sam did make a page, but he never updated it), and I kinda wished that they had, in order to live vicariously through them! Pictures will automatically make this page 100% more interesting, because the wackyness of Japan is worth way more than my incoherent rambling.

Today’s picture: Jishin da!

That sign is next to a barber shop which is right across from my apartment building. It says “Jishin da! Hi wo kese!” (It’s an earthquake! Erase the fire!) The kanji at the bottom say “Utsunomiya-shi.” See, told you guys that fire was the most dangerous part of an earthquake.



ad@m wrote on :

i'd take pics of iowa city but... there's really nothing to take pictures of. cept this:

ad@m wrote on :

er... pic

benjamin wrote on :

haha i am commenting on this post! how about that?

chalupa wrote on :

pics of iowa city? i never would of thought i'd see that place on here.... i think you could pull off having your game stuff on here too butros. could you make another category called 'games' on the side to click on? that might be a good solution

ad@m wrote on :