The Drunk Smurf.

Shlonglor's War 2 Stories

Last updated 5/18/97

Hi ! I dont know u at all, but Ive read ur page and ur stories, and I thought the smurfs in this case were ?) and hateful to me. At least the one that didnt drop. Please, If u want to publish this story, edit it and correct the spelling/grammar errors. My english is not native. Thx.

Oh man...I was thinking I could write a letter and I decided to write it...why not ? You know, there are good players who lke to smurf. I assume you already know what it means, if this letter is to be published it will be after many others titled "Smurfs Story", "Smurfs get smurfed" and many others like those.

Well, the thing is I was smurfed. My opponents didn´t accept that they were Well, the thing is I was smurfed. My opponents didn´t accept that they were smurfing, but they sure as hell did. One of them just built archers, the other was, even more when his partner dropped. By that time my ally had already claimed "HELP" but I was drunk ( u know, it’s 8 am here when it’s 2 am there or even 12pm if ur in calif.) and had run out of gold and pissed, having no gold and just a couple of ogres.

What it really worries me is not my poor playing or my partner’s (I couldn´t help him at all, sorry Lamer(btw, where did u get that nick ? ? ? ?) but the fact that the winner (whose nick was something like LemMegame’) began telling us we where suckers.

iWhat’s the matter with that guy ? ? ? ? Does he think just because we play bad we have to suck ? I just wish I had been more drunk (and had been more aggressive) or less (and had played better) but he really drove me crazy (I can´t think of any harder expression in english now, I´m still drunk).

Maybe YOU think I shouldn´t play if I´m drunk and don´t wanna get called SUCKER, but I play just to have fun, and it´s not funny to play with a guy who hides himself and doesn´t want to reveal his name and then calls you a sucker. That shows that this man/guy/person/whatsoever doesn´t know how to behave when he wins, and that he must take lessons in order to know how to behave properly when he beats a couple of guys playing warcraft.

Maybe it was the first time he did so, maybe he was just kidding, I don´t know....But I didn´t like it. Hope YOU, the unknown winner, get to read this. (Btw, our gaming was poooor. By the time we found them, one of them had a second town, the other was on the process of building it and we where quite weak...but that doesn´t mean they can call us nasty


smacks and i, wise-man, were the two opponents to thanis. let me say that we were not, in fact, smurfing because neither of us are famous. i was the one who was making the archers, axemen actually, and my friend, smacks, was playing the "expansion game," where he takes every free mine except for one, left to me. i was going to try to axe them to death. i never got around to it because Braves' connetion dropped. (both smacks and i were playing at braves' house at the time) i would also like to appologize to thanis for smack's behavior. he has a tendency to become annoying or even crude while playing late (2 am) at night. he was completely out of line for his trash talking. the only meager excuses i can make for him would be the lateness, and the 4 dr. peppers we had each consumed prior to that game. well, that's it.
wise-man Wise-man's War 2 page.
first off i would like to say that this is smacks. second i would like to say that my name was LendMeGame. i would like to explain myself. yes, i did say that they sucked, but the oly reason was because they kept telling me how much i needed a partner after wise got dropped and then i just ran into their towns with a few knights and they were done. i didn't even build a barracks until after wise got dropped so they should've just killed me but they didn't. if they cannot survive what was basically a 2on1 archer then hey they deserved to be called not-so-good (the fact that they kept calling me smurf didn't help either :). Also, just becuase i use queer ass names doesn't make me a smurf becuase i am not that good. oh, and it was not 4 dr peppers it was more like 8 :)
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