Bullship! (Sun Tzu was a newbie!)

Shlonglor's War 2 Stories

Last updated 2/19/97

THe following is a story by LrdSchroeder. After about 10 or so stories about LrdSchroeder going down, he wanted at least one where he won up here. But to me this was a totally bullshit game. Sure they beat us fair and square but I can't help but think this was a bullshit game. My side of the story will be found after Lrd's here:

We decide on getting an 8 player game. After wrangling over what map we'd play, we decided on fixedfixedfixedHSC (AKA hsciv.pud.) After we got the map down, there was debate over teams. MadDawg wanted Vermeer on his team because they both go to UM, but Shlong wanted Vermeer because "He saw him first." haha. So we decided on teams, and the game started.

Bad Guys


Good Guys & Newbie














So our halls are building and we're disgusing strategies and what we're going to do. We decide that MadDawg and I will go ships, and Silver and Jff with sapper through to Gotcha and Vermeer (respectively.) I'm doing normal sea order, put my mill up, then my yard, oil platform, then foundry. Then i hear from MadDawg "WHO THE FUCK IS SHOOTING AT MY FOUNDRY?" I was like "Whoever is below you." hahahaha. Well he though Jff was below him. Jff was BELOW him, just not directly. haha. So Dawg is behind on the sea. My foundry is up, making juggs, and then I see him put his down right next to mine. Doh. Hes way behind.

So i get like 5 juggs, Silver is getting knights, so i go over to black to see what was up. I get there, no ships. I kill Shlongs oil rig, then start on his shipyard. I think someone sent a few Juggs up there, but i took them out easily. So shlong is off sea. I'm heading down to Gotcha and then Sun_Tzu attacks Dawg with like 3-4 juggs. So i head over there with my 5 from the attack on Shlong and 2 more i made. On the way over i spotted 3 of Gotchas Juggs. I guess he wasn't watching them because i engaged him and sunk 2 before he attacked back. So i head over to MadDawgs place, sink the juggs htat are there, and go take Sun Tzu off the sea. Right as I'm taking him off the sea, MadDawg invades with about 8 guys. hahahaha. Sun Tzu is screwed.

About this time Silverwolf sappers into Gotcha and invades. Silver gets all of Gotchas peons before he notices. Not sure what happened to Silvers invasion, but Gotcha was pretty screwed. Jff was planing to sapper into Vermeer, but Vermeer sappered into Jff first, which left Jffs sappers free to blow up Vermeers stables and blacksmith. Hahahahahaha. Jff and Vermeer were fighting it out. It was pretty equal until MadDawg invaded Vermeer too. Silver says "Gotcha is pretty screwed, but hes still on the sea." A few seconds later i say "not anymore" hahaha.

I'm moving my Juggs around and I see one of Shlongs transports moving away. I say "look out Shlong transport going somewhere." My juggs follow it and then I announce "Never mind" haha. nailed it. boom dead. I made 2 more juggs and I was sailing out of my harbor and I see another transport. Hahaha. He left it right outside my town. Boom, 2 down. Vermeer, Gotcha, and Sun Tzu were dead. They decided to quit. Shlong decided to stay to get more kills, I guess. I got bored and i hoped over to his island and built 2 barracks. He had a tower up there that I didn't even see until my SECONDS barracks was done! haha. I was laughing at that. I made a bunch of knights and he tried to attack but I won. Silver and MadDawg came in with knights and so I got my revenge. Muwahahhaha.

Check out the Stats

Now the REAL side of the story :)

We needed another person in the game. I go to Starlink and see ~Sun Tzu~. I had never played with him or anything, but ~Crimson~ is a good buddy of ours and he's freakin' awesome. So I figure Sun must be too seeing as how he's in Crimson's little club. I knew if I picked Silver or Lrd on Vermeer, Gotcha and My team, the other people would bitch, so I picked Sun figuring he's somewhat good at sea. Little did I know...

We started off and came up with our plans.. Vermeer had planned on going all land and sappering into Blue. As Lrd said, he sappered in first only to discover Jff was pulling the same thing. I had no real plan. I was going to go all land and most likely invade someone. With Gotcha going 1/2 land 1/2 sea, Vermeer going all land, and Sun going who knows what and on their side of the map, I didn't see any real point in going sea. So my plan was a couple of transports and that's it. Gotcha's plan was 1/2 sea and 1/2 land and invade someone. I TOLD him he should go ALL LAND because yellow was most likely doing the same thing. But he didn't want to do it haha. So the game gets going.

The whole time Sun is just babbling away. "I can't swim" "Let's play Land Next" blah blah blah. "I suck at sea." Vermeer said to that: "Well you certainly aren't going to get any better at sea by crying about it." I ask Sun why he's spending all that time talking. He said "It's slow and boring.." That's the standard newbie response and the same response those people that spend their whole time going land at top speed setting go. What I've always said is if they would shut the fuck up and spend some of that time planning and controlling their guys, the game wouldn't be so boring. This isn't Diablo. It's not a clicking contest, it's a game of the mind. Sea, anyway.....

I hopped over to Gotcha's island. I built my Smith, and an Inventor. I figured that Gotcha's is usually the island that never goes down. haha. I snuck another peon over and built a barracks up top by the river above Gotcha, and I walled in a tower. I had already built my foundry in the crack to hop down..

I made 2 transports and hide them in the middle. About that time Lrd came in with his 6 or so Juggs. This was expected. I didn't think it would take them or him so long. The shipyard, rig and oil tankers fell. But that was all a part of my plan. I was going to go all Gryphons or most likely all Mages. I had both my transports away before he even got there.

Gotcha was using Warp's computer so he could sit next to me when he played rather then across the hall. Unbeknownst to me, he didn't have his sound hooked up. I could have done it for him, but I didn't know. He goes: Oh crap look! We looked and there was all his peons dead and a sapper runs in and get's his NaTe™ formation. Crap! He didn't have his sound on so he never knew he was under attack. His screen was at another part of the map and he didn't see the little message that says "We are under attack" because the sound was on but just not turned on at the speakers or head phones. So before he could do a thing, his whole town was gone. I at this time had 12+ Knights and a Catapult. I had 2 transports and I could have been there just like that. But I didn't know, as did Gotcha until it was all over. I could have gone in at that time and tried to save gotcha, but after losing all his crap and peons, it would have been pointless. After losing his tower, and what troops he had, there really wouldn't have been much of a chance with me ferrying troops over. And, Lrd would have been sure to finally wise up and get my transports. So Gotcha was out. Gotcha has never in his life gone down like that and sure it might sound like I'm being mister Excuse Meister, but I don't think it would have happened if his sound was on. And if you think that is the worst of our problems, There is Sun the Newbie doing who knows what. I heard from their side, he made like 3 juggs and lost them. And when I flew over his town, he had jack sheet. NO troops and he was at town hall when the rest of us were at Stronghold-Castle. So it was down to 2 on 4. They double teammed Vermeer who was having enough problems going 1on1 with Jff. And Vermeer, Sun and Gotcha quit. That left me.

It was now 4on1. I hadn't even been touched. My town was going great. I had Mages, I had everything I wanted. But it was 4on1!! Gotcha said the stats said I had 0 kills. Which is understandable seeing as how I hadn't attacked anyone yet. I didn't want to quit the game never having been touched. Gotcha told me to just leave the game. But I didn't want to give them a screenshot with Shlonglor 0 kills. Only once in my life have I got 0 Kills. It was the game, the very first smurf game, where Zima pulled the 7 man rush on me on Gow, on top of which I was purple. So I knew the pricks Silverwolf & Lrd would flaunt that screen shot on my for the rest of my life. So I decided to go for it. Rack up a few kills before I went down. If you haven't figured this out, you can have 4 times the crap everyone else has and still go down to lesser forces because they are controlled by more people. An Example of this was the Crowded game, story which I'll put back up someday. Another example was the Andrews boys 6-0 game. Madawg had 60k more the any of us and went down mostly because he couldn't out control 4 of us at once...... so anyway...

After Gotcha went down and hearing what was going on in the game, I realized that my transports were pretty useless. I moved them around the map. I really didn't have any plan on using them anymore. I mean where was I going to go? Invade all 4 of them? hahah

It seems Lrd had Hopped me on the right side. I had a tower up there but he hopped there out of view of the tower. I flew over to find a cannon tower a shipload of Knights and 2 barracks here:

He clearly had more knights but for some reason, I panicked and charged. Thinking back, I should have pulled a double blizzard on his ass killing all those Knights. But I didn't. He won with 3 or so Knights. Not a whole lot. I still had money to pump some more Knights but he was pumping more..

At the same time Maddawg was pulling the hit and run polymorph on my Mages with invisible transports. That is not so hard to beat if you put some catapults on the shore. I had some catapults but I lost them in the battle vs Lrd. Then I see this on the shore:

I blizzard the whole bloody lot of them. The results of which was:

That one moment made it all worth it. I got to laugh at Maddawg. He said aftwards that he had told all those Mages to Poly Morph my Mages and it was only because of Lag that they died. I didn't see any Lag. I don't remember seeing any lag at all. I think Maddawg is full of shit :)

But with both of them beating on me, I was shortly going down. Lrd says Maddawg sent in some Knights but I sure as hell don't remember that happening. I said good game and Left. I had maybe 3 or so Mages left. I had enough resources to make some more crap but I figured I wouldn't give them the satisfaction. Especially when most of them always bail out when I'm about to finish their town ;)

What a totally lame game. No sound kills Gotcha and Sun turns out to be a total Sea newbie. But what pisses me off is they gave us no slack for that. They considered that a fair game and even talked it up. Silverwolf was talking about kicking Gotcha's ass. He went all Land obviously. But I seriously doubt with Gotcha and I going at him, that he could have taken Gotcha down. But Silverwolf sure as hell doesn't believe that or will admit that. He thinks there was only one out come of that game, sound on or off, Gotcha going down. Bullshit. 3 Kills out of Gotcha? Impossible. In his worst game, he has never even come close to that. Silver always seems to think he is unstoppable even when you kick his ass. Now surely I don't deny their team beat ours. It was a good team win. But was it any ass kicking? NO. Was it any game to be proud of? Certainly not. I certainly couldn't look at those events and say yeah we kicked their ass and be proud of that. Just look at the 2 ass whooping Andrews Boys stories. Those were certainly fair. There wasn't any situation where they really got stuck with a newbie or anything. Now that certainly isn't their fault that we got the Newbie. It was my fault. I just picked someone. But that should be taken into account when looking at the game. Gotcha might have got his ass kicked but that certainly must be attributed to the Sound Deal. Now maybe Gotcha might have gone down even with me helping him and his sound working, I won't deny that, but it certainly wouldn't have been any ass whooping. Vermeer certainly didn't get beat up. He was going fine the whole game. I certainly didn't get my ass beat up. I took on all those troops before going down. Every one of my kills is either a Level 5 Knight, Mage or Jugg. The only real ass whooping was done on Sun. SO that is what pisses me off about this game. That we arn't cut any slack for those circumstances in the game. They are considering this just as good of a win as the previous Andrews Boys matches. Lrd even trys to say It's a Andrews Boys Lost. Warp wasn't even there. I think if we had Warp, the results might have been a lot different. But I won't deny them their win. They beat us. But I will deny it's so much of a quality win as they make it to appear.

Denying Lrd's Revenge Lrd makes this out as being he got his revenge. But he didn't get jack shit. He took my Shipyard yes. But that was part of my plan. I didn't make 1 jugg. Have you ever heard of anyone making 0 Juggs(or subs) and planning on keeping their shipyard? Maybe newbies perhaps. I wasn't even planning on using Blizzard to save my Shipyard. I knew it was going down and I had no plans to save it. I kne that form the beginning. I only made it to make 2 transports which I did.

Lrd says he killed both my Transports. He even makes it out to be like it was a cool thing. I din't give a rat's ass abou those transports. After Gotcha went down, I had no plans on even using them. I sent them off to who knows where. I didn't plan on ever seeing or using them again. I certainlly could have hit those transports for quite a while if I really cared about them. I probably could have even protected them with my pages, Used Invisibility on them, whatever. So killing my transports wasn't anything to gloat over.

I do admit it was pathetic that Lrd hopped me. That's certainly something he CAN be proud of.

But it certainly wasn't any ass kicking by Lrd. When all that crap was done he maybe had 3-4 Knights. I still had towers walled in and mages. Had not Maddawg been on me too, Lrd wouldn't have gotten anywhere. And I certainly could have easily got back on the sea. I could have transported off some where and set up another town quite easily had it been a 1on1 between me and Lrd. So certainly it was no ass kicking by Lrd and I totally deny his revenge claim in any respect whatsoever. It wasn't even the andrews boys. The only way he comes close to the Revenge idea is that his team beat my team. But that's a pretty weak claim on revenge if you ask me.

Quite a lot of Hub Bug over one game eh? Well Lrd wanted this story up, his story, so I felt it was necessary to tell the true story.

I'm sorry if I had to make Sun Tzu out to be a loser. He's not. He's a pretty cool guy. But he sucks dick on sea! :)

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© Geoff Fraizer 1997.
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